Polsat Güncel Keyler

---> Polsat Güncel Keyler

Cyfrowy Polsat @ Hotbird 13,0E

For Dreambox, Humax and others -
ident 7101
For TM, Echo 2300, Xcam and some others -
ident 7001

26.06.2008 Polsat
KEY 01:
5E 7B 27 69 5C 95 F7 A8 DF D1 98 1F 46 C7 31 27

HEX: 5E7B27695C95F7A8DFD1981F46C73127
DEC: 094 123 039 105 092 149 247 168 223 209 152 031 070 199 049 039
---> Polsat Güncel Keyler

Cyfrowy Polsat @ Hotbird 13,0E

For Dreambox, Humax and others - ident 7101
For TM, Echo 2300, Xcam and some others - ident 7001

27/06/2008 Polsat
KEY 00: C1 CD 8F A5 BA EE B0 78 7C 25 02 5B 90 B5 BA 77

HEX: C1CD8FA5BAEEB0787C25025B90B5BA77
DEC: 193 205 143 165 186 238 176 120 124 037 002 091 144 181 186 119
---> Polsat Güncel Keyler

Cyfrowy Polsat @ Hotbird 13,0E

For Dreambox, Humax and others - ident 7101
For TM, Echo 2300, Xcam and some others - ident 7001

29/06/2008 Polsat
KEY 01:
95 11 28 D5 AE F1 C6 55 DE D5 62 B6 23 7F C6 4A

HEX: 951128D5AEF1C655DED562B6237FC64A
DEC: 149 017 040 213 174 241 198 085 222 213 098 182 035 127 198 074
---> Polsat Güncel Keyler

Cyfrowy Polsat @ Hotbird 13,0E


KEY 01
0C 47 70 52 1C FC F0 A8 8A 3A 34 1B CA 8D C1 CE

012 071 112 082 028 252 240 168 138 058 052 027 202 141 193 206
---> Polsat Güncel Keyler

Cyfrowy Polsat @ Hotbird 13,0E


KEY 01
CB 89 F3 EE 20 C2 D1 63 43 86 AB 56 83 F6 BE 3E
DEC 01
203 137 243 238 032 194 209 099 067 134 171 086 131 246 190 062
---> Polsat Güncel Keyler

Cyfrowy Polsat @ Hotbird 13,0E

For Dreambox, Humax and others - ident 7101
For TM, Echo 2300, Xcam and some others - ident 7001

11.07.2008 Polsat
K.E.Y 00: F0 8C BA 29 FD CD 04 D9 80 8E 23 0D E2 B0 F3 09
HEX: F08CBA29FDCD04D9808E230DE2B0F309
DEC: 240 140 186 041 253 205 004 217 128 142 035 013 226 176 243 009
---> Polsat Güncel Keyler

Cyfrowy Polsat @ Hotbird 13,0E

For Dreambox, Humax and others - ident 7101
For TM, Echo 2300, Xcam and some others - ident 7001

16.07.2008 Polsat
*** 00: 8D 19 1A E3 8E 5F 7C 79 69 F8 14 72 1A 2B 1B B8

HEX: 8D191AE38E5F7C7969F814721A2B1BB8
DEC: 141 025 026 227 142 095 124 121 105 248 020 114 026 043 027 184
---> Polsat Güncel Keyler

Polsat Key 01
F3 2e D1 75 3e Ab F0 76 E0 33 97 87 14 C7 A6 97
243 046 209 117 062 171 240 118 224 051 151 135 020 199 166 151
---> Polsat Güncel Keyler

Cyfrowy Polsat @ Hotbird 13,0E

KEY 01

54 AB 3A 1E 85 E7 3C 40 99 B4 DF FA 30 F3 BD 6E

DEC 01
084 171 058 030 133 231 060 064 153 180 223 250 048 243 189 110
---> Polsat Güncel Keyler

Cyfrowy Polsat @ Hotbird 13,0E

For Dreambox, Humax and others - ident 7101
For TM, Echo 2300, Xcam and some others - ident 7001

25.07.2008 Polsat
KEY 00: FC B8 A7 0A EB 16 11 E7 D4 5E 38 0B 44 A9 21 C9

HEX: FCB8A70AEB1611E7D45E380B44A921C9
DEC: 252 184 167 010 235 022 017 231 212 094 056 011 068 169 033 201
---> Polsat Güncel Keyler

Cyfrowy Polsat @ Hotbird 13,0E

For Dreambox, Humax and others - ident 7101
For TM, Echo 2300, Xcam and some others - ident 7001

03.08.2008 Polsat
KEY 00: 25 EF BE 31 1E 68 B8 52 99 AB 97 1F 81 7E 29 45

HEX: 25EFBE311E68B85299AB971F817E2945
DEC: 037 239 190 049 030 104 184 082 153 171 151 031 129 126 041 069
---> Polsat Güncel Keyler

Cyfrowy Polsat @ Hotbird 13,0E

For Dreambox, Humax and others - ident 7101
For TM, Echo 2300, Xcam and some others - ident 7001
06/08/2008 Polsat
KEY 01: C5 61 E4 99 E7 17 D5 1A 84 80 11 4D 41 D5 CB 52

HEX: C561E499E717D51A8480114D41D5CB52
DEC: 197 097 228 153 231 023 213 026 132 128 017 077 065 213 203 082
---> Polsat Güncel Keyler

Cyfrowy Polsat @ Hotbird 13,0E

For Dreambox, Humax and others - ident 7101
For TM, Echo 2300, Xcam and some others - ident 7001

15.08.2008 Polsat
KEY 01:
1F 48 09 1E D1 F2 ED 95 6C D8 CB 00 0A 45 5E BD

HEX: 1F48091ED1F2ED956CD8CB000A455EBD
DEC: 031 072 009 030 209 242 237 149 108 216 203 000 010 069 094 189
---> Polsat Güncel Keyler

Cyfrowy Polsat @ Hotbird 13,0E

For Dreambox, Humax and others - ident 7101
For TM, Echo 2300, Xcam and some others - ident 7001

17.08.2008 Polsat
KEY 00: 2B A9 37 D1 38 2E FC 3E 59 86 F7 E6 29 13 E8 43
HEX: 2BA937D1382EFC3E5986F7E62913E843
DEC: 043 169 055 209 056 046 252 062 089 134 247 230 041 019 232 067
---> Polsat Güncel Keyler

Cyfrowy Polsat @ Hotbird 13,0E

For Dreambox, Humax and others - ident 7101
For TM, Echo 2300, Xcam and some others - ident 7001

03.09.2008 Polsat
KEY 00: DE 03 5D 15 F9 C5 A2 8A F2 87 27 0E D7 30 C3 3C

HEX: DE035D15F9C5A28AF287270ED730C33C
DEC: 222 003 093 021 249 197 162 138 242 135 039 014 215 048 195 060
---> Polsat Güncel Keyler

Cyfrowy Polsat (13°E) 19.09.2008
ident 7101 [Nagra2]

Cyfrowy Polsat (13°E)

Key 01: 23 82 BD 31 F6 B3 38 B5 17 19 A5 C2 3B 5E 4D 56

Key 01 in HEX: 2382BD31F6B338B51719A5C23B5E4D56

Key 01 in DEC: 035 130 189 049 246 179 056 181 023 025 165 194 059 094 077 086
---> Polsat Güncel Keyler

Cyfrowy Polsat (13°E) 15.10.2008

ident 7101 [Nagra2]
Cyfrowy Polsat (13°E)
Key 00: 99 14 4D 68 E3 2D 45 1C 2A 57 F8 42 B0 F2 F5 7D
Key 00 in HEX: 99144D68E32D451C2A57F842B0F2F57D
Key 00 in DEC: 153 020 077 104 227 045 069 028 042 087 248 066 176 242 245 125
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