GhostOne++ Ve BOT Soru(n)larınız.


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GhostOne Battle.nette oyun kurarken size yardımcı olur.Ghostone bi bot programıdır siz bi account açarsınız bot için . Kendi accountunuzla bot'a komut verirsiniz.
- Öncelikle bu programın çalışabilmesi için pc'nizde VisualC++ olması gerekir eğer siz bilgisayarınızda güncelleştirmeleri eksiksiz yapıyorsanız bunu kurmuş olması gerekiyor emin olmak istiyorsanız ''Program Ekle veya Kaldır''a girip Güncelleştirmeleri göster kutucuğunu işaretleyip bakabilirsiniz .

Destekleyen işletim sistemleri : Windows Server 2003; Windows Vista; Windows XP
Visual C++ >
Eğer Kurulumda hata alıyorsanız Windows İnstaller'in uygun sürümünü kurmanız gerekir.
Windows İnstaller
**Eğer sistemininiz Xp Sp3 ise bunlara gerek kalmaz .

Port açma ile ilgili bi konular açılmış zaten tabi siz bot içinde ayrı port açacaksınız

1- Öncelikle GhostOne'yi Kuralım
2-Winrar içerisinden çıkarttığınız dosyalardan ghost.exe dosyasını açın çalışıyorsa bi problem yok.

3-Şimdi Ghost'un ayarlarını yapılandıracağız.


4 -Şimdi botun bilgilerini ve ona komut verceğimiz kendi profilimizi gireceğiz


5 -Botun bilgilerini giriyoruz bidaha.


6 - Şimdi Loopback ayarını yapıcağız lütfen dikkatli okuyun

Başlat > Denetim Masası > Donanım Ekle > Donanımı kendi elimle kurmak istiyorum > Ağ bağdaştırıcıları > Microsoft Loopback Bağdaştırıcısı
Donanımını Kurun > Sağ tuş > Özellikler >TCP - IP Yapılandırma ayarları
İlk kısıma ip nizi yani bilgisayarınızın ip sini giriniz
İkinci kısıma
Üçüncü kısıma
Not * Tabi bunlar benim pc deki ip ler siz buna Başlat > cmd > ipconfig ' den bakabilirsiniz.
Ayarları yaptıktan sonra Pc nizi yeniden başlatın internet bağlantınızın olup olmadığını denetleyin internete girebiliyorsanız(Loopback Bağlandı Halinde)Bi sorun yoktur.
Ghostu artık botu çalıştırabilirsiniz Run Ghost tıklayınız.Daha sonra panelden bağlandığını kontrol edin bottan bi kanala /join bot diyebilirsiniz daha sonra bottan mapi load ediniz sonra istediğiniz !priv Trdeneme !pub Trxx gibi oyunlar kurabilirsiniz.

Eğer sorularınız yapamadığınız kısım olursa söyleyin yardımcı olalım

**** KOMUTLAR ****

In (via local chat or whisper at any time):

!acc [name] [cmd] [acc] access commands available to admins, !acc lists available cmds, !acc name 1/0 - access all/none cmds
!addadmin <name> add a new admin to the database for this realm
!addban <name> <reason> add a new ban to the database for this realm
!addfriend <name> add a friend
!announce <sec> <msg> set the announce message (the bot will print <msg> every <sec> seconds in the game lobby), leave blank or "off" to disable the announce message
!autohostxx <m> <p> <n> like autohost but only allow xxxx countries
!autohost <m> <p> <n> auto host up to <m> games, auto starting when <p> players have joined, with name <n>, leave blank or "off" to disable auto hosting
!autohostg <m> <p> <n> auto host allowing only garena + admins
!autostart <players> auto start the game when the specified number of players have joined, leave blank or "off" to disable auto start
!ban alias to !addban
!channel <name> change channel
!checkadmin <name> check if a user is an admin on this realm
!checkban <name> check if a user is banned on this realm
!close <number> ... close slot
!closeall close all open slots
!countadmins display the total number of admins for this realm
!countbans display the total number of bans for this realm
!commands toggle non admin commands
!deladmin <name> remove an admin from the database for this realm
!delban <name> remove a ban from the database for this realm
!delfriend <name> delete a friend
!dlinfo [on/off] show info on current downloads
!dlinfotime <value> interval in seconds between info messages
!dlmax <value> maximum players allowed to download at once, the rest will have almost KB/s until someone finishes downloading
!dltspeed <value> set total download speed (KB/s) available for all clients at once, if set to 1024, 4 people will get 256 each
!dlspeed <value> set max download speed (KB/s) available for one client
!downloads enable/disable map downloads
!dmaps dynamic list of the maps
!dload <nr> dynamic load a map
!disable disable creation of new games
!enable enable creation of new games
!end <number> end a game in progress (disconnect everyone)
!endn end a game in progress, no countdown
!ends stop end countdown
!exit [force] shutdown ghost++, optionally add [force] to skip checks
!fadd <name> add a friend
!fdel <name> delete a friend
!getclan refresh the internal copy of the clan members list
!getfriends refresh the internal copy of the friends list
!getgame <number> display information on a game in progress
!getgames display information on all games
!hold <name> ... hold a slot for someone
!holds <name> <nr> ... hold a specific slot for someone
!load <filename> load a config file (for changing maps), leave blank to see current map - the ".cfg" is automatically appended to the filename
!language reload language.cfg
!map <filename> alias to !load
!loadl <filename> load a config file (for changing maps), leave blank to see current map - the ".cfg" is automatically appended to the filename
!mapl <filename> alias to !load
!mute <name> mutes a player (it tries to do a partial match)
!unmute <name> unmutes a player (it tries to do a partial match)
!open <number> ... open slot
!openall open all closed slots
!priv <name> host private game
!privby <owner> <name> host private game by another player (gives <owner> access to admin commands in the game lobby and in the game)
!pub [name] host public game, !pub with no name will set lastname+1
!pubg [name] host public game allowing only garena + admins
!pubby <owner> <name> host public game by another player (gives <owner> access to admin commands in the game lobby and in the game)
!pubdl <name> host public game download only, kicks people who do have the map, no lobby time limit.
!quit [force] alias to !exit
!reloadcfg reload ghost.cfg
!say <text> send <text> to as a chat command
!saygames <text> send <text> to all games
!sl <name> check if player is safelisted
!sladd <name> add player to safelist
!sla <name> add player to safelist
!sldel <name> delete player from safelist
!sld <name> delete player from safelist
!slr <name> remove player from safelist
!sp shuffle players
!start [force] start game, optionally add [force] to skip checks
!startn start game now! (no countdown)
!stats [name] display basic player statistics, optionally add [name] to display statistics for another player (can be used by non admins)
!sd [name] display DotA player per game statistics, optionally add [name]
!statsdota [name] display DotA player statistics, optionally add [name] to display statistics for another player (can be used by non admins)
!swap <n1> <n2> swap slots
!top top10, calculate in GHost One first
!top10 top10, calculate in GHost One first
!unban alias to !delban
!unhost unhost game in lobby
!version display version information (can be used by non admins)
!pubnxxxx [gamename] for ex: !pubnbrru dota - deny br ru countries
!pubxxxxxx [gamename] for ex: !pubroes dota - only allow ro es countries
!verbose toggle info showing on player trying to join and getting kicked

In game lobby:

!a alias to !abort
!abort abort countdown
!acc [name] [cmd] [acc] access commands available to admins, !acc lists available cmds, !acc name 1/0 - access all/none cmds
!announce <sec> <msg> set the announce message (the bot will print <msg> every <sec> seconds), leave blank or "off" to disable the announce message
!autostart <players> auto start the game when the specified number of players have joined, leave blank or "off" to disable auto start
!check <name> check a user's status (leave blank to check your own status)
!checkban <name> check if a user is banned on any realm
!close <number> ... close slot
!closeall close all open slots
!commands toggle non admin commands
!comp <slot> <skill> create a computer in slot <slot> of skill <skill> (skill is 0 for easy, 1 for normal, 2 for insane)
!compcolour <s> <c> change a computer's colour in slot <s> to <c> (c goes from 1 to 12)
!comphandicap <s> <h> change a computer's handicap in slot <s> to <h> (h is 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, or 100)
!comprace <s> <r> change a computer's race in slot <s> to <r> (r is "human", "orc", "night elf", "undead", or "random")
!compteam <s> <t> change a computer's team in slot <s> to <t> (t goes from 1 to # of teams)
!dl <name> alias to !download
!dlinfo [on/off] show info on current downloads
!dlinfotime <value> interval in seconds between info messages
!dlmax <value> maximum players allowed to download at once, the rest will have almost KB/s until someone finishes downloading
!dltspeed <value> set total download speed (KB/s) available for all clients at once, if set to 1024, 4 people will get 256 each
!dlspeed <value> set max download speed (KB/s) available for one client
!download <name> allow a user to start downloading the map (only used with conditional map downloads, it tries to do a partial match)
!downloads enable/disable map downloads
!from <name> display the country each player is from, or of a player (partial match)
!fromp <name> display the country each player is from + providers, or of a player
!garena toggle allowing garena only (and admins) or everyone
!gn display current game name
!hold <name> ... hold a slot for someone
!holds <name> <nr> ... hold a specified slot for someone
!ips show IPs of players
!kick <name> kick a player (it tries to do a partial match)
!only xx xx xx define allowed countries, for ex: !only RO ES or !only to clear list
!no xx xx xx define denied countries, for ex: !no BR RU or !no to clear list
!onlyp xx xx xx allow only specified providers (partial match), ex: !onlyp RDS, !onlyp to clear
!nop xx xx xx deny specified providers (partial match), ex: !nop telecom, !nop to clear
!l show ping and country of the last player who joined
!latency <number> set game latency (50-500), leave blank to see current latency
!dr <number> alias to latency
!lock lock the game so only the game owner can run commands
!mute <name> mutes a player (it tries to do a partial match)
!unmute <name> unmutes a player (it tries to do a partial match)
!open <number> ... open slot
!open <number> ... open slot
!openall open all closed slots
!owner [name] set game owner to yourself, optionally add [name] to set game owner to someone else
!ping [number] ping players, optionally add [number] to kick players with ping above [number]
!priv <name> rehost as private game
!pub [name] rehost as public game, a simple !pub will auto set a new name!
!rehost [name] rehost with same parameters, a simple !rehost will auto set a new name!
!refresh [on/off] enable or disable refresh messages, by itself it close all slots and then opens them.
!sendlan <ip> [port] send a fake LAN message to IP address <ip> and port [port], default port is 6112 if not specified
!sl <name> check if player is safelisted
!sladd <name> add player to safelist
!sla <name> add player to safelist
!sldel <name> delete player from safelist
!sld <name> delete player from safelist
!slr <name> remove player from safelist
!sp shuffle players
!start [force] start game, optionally add [force] to skip checks
!stats [name] display basic player statistics, optionally add [name] to display statistics for another player (can be used by non admins)
!sd [name] display DotA player per game statistics, optionally add [name]
!statsdota [name] display DotA player statistics, optionally add [name] to display statistics for another player (can be used by non admins)
!swap <n1> <n2> swap slots
!synclimit <number> set sync limit for the lag screen (10-10000), leave blank to see current sync limit
!top top10, calculate in GHost One first
!top10 top10, calculate in GHost One first
!unhost unhost game
!unlock unlock the game
!version display version information (can be used by non admins)
!votecancel cancel a votekick
!votekick <name> start a votekick (it tries to do a partial match, can be used by non admins)
!verbose toggle info showing on player trying to join and getting kicked

In game:

!addban <name> <reason> add a new ban to the database (it tries to do a partial match)
!ban alias to !addban
!bl [reason] alias to !banlast, reasons = l, i, r, mh, lag, n, f
!banlast [reason] ban the last leaver, reasons = l, i, r, mh, lag, n, f
!check <name> check a user's status (leave blank to check your own status)
!checkban <name> check if a user is banned on any realm
!drop drop all lagging players
!end end the game (disconnect everyone)
!gn display current game name
!kick <name> kick a player (it tries to do a partial match)
!latency <number> set game latency (50-500), leave blank to see current latency
!dr <number> alias to latency
!lock lock the game so only the game owner can run commands
!muteall mute global chat (allied and private chat still works)
!override cancel game over timer
!owner [name] set game owner to yourself, optionally add [name] to set game owner to someone else
!stats [name] display basic player statistics, optionally add [name] to display statistics for another player (can be used by non admins)
!statsdota [name] display DotA player statistics, optionally add [name] to display statistics for another player (can be used by non admins)
!synclimit <number> set sync limit for the lag screen (10-10000), leave blank to see current sync limit
!sl <name> check if player is safelisted
!sladd <name> add player to safelist
!sla <name> add player to safelist
!sldel <name> delete player from safelist
!sld <name> delete player from safelist
!slr <name> remove player from safelist
!top top10, calculate in GHost One first
!top10 top10, calculate in GHost One first
!unlock unlock the game
!unmuteall unmute global chat
!version display version information (can be used by non admins)
!votecancel cancel a votekick
!votekick <name> start a votekick (it tries to do a partial match, can be used by non admins)
!yes register a vote in the votekick (can be used by non admins)

In admin game lobby:

!addadmin <name> <realm> add a new admin to the database for the specified realm (if only one realm is defined in ghost.cfg it uses that realm instead)
!checkadmin <name> <realm> check if a user is an admin for the specified realm (if only one realm is defined in ghost.cfg it uses that realm instead)
!countadmins <realm> display the total number of admins for the specified realm (if only one realm is defined in ghost.cfg it uses that realm instead)
!deladmin <name> <realm> remove an admin from the database for the specified realm (if only one realm is defined in ghost.cfg it uses that realm instead)
!disable disable creation of new games
!enable enable creation of new games
!end <number> end a game in progress (disconnect everyone)
!exit [force] shutdown ghost++, optionally add [force] to skip checks
!getgame <number> display information on a game in progress
!getgames display information on all games
!load <filename> load a config file (for changing maps), leave blank to see current map - the ".cfg" is automatically appended to the filename
!map <filename> alias to !load
!password <p> login (the password is set in ghost.cfg with admingame_password)
!priv <name> host private game
!privby <owner> <name> host private game by another player (gives <owner> access to admin commands in the game lobby and in the game)
!pub <name> host public game
!pubby <owner> <name> host public game by another player (gives <owner> access to admin commands in the game lobby and in the game)
!quit [force] alias to !exit
!saygames <text> send <text> to all games
!getnames show names of lobby or game players
!unhost unhost game

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