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Autumn Grey Views

Lifeless they fall apart... golden as our
Precious art... my love sinks into a thick
Grey veil of mist.
Trees... leafless trees... the epitaph of
The sun. what once was green presents now
Grey and trist.
A gloomy grave... a foreseen death...
A symbol for our pain... drowned in a
Flood of autumn rain.
Silhouettes of light astray somewhere
In the clouds. ravens traverse, involving
Withering shrouds...
Das Blau-kristallne Kämmerlein

Wo schmerzlich zeit musst heftig wogen,
Da thronet ein erforner bogen
Stille bereitet sich endlich an,
Muden wandrern zart zu nahn
Kein lichtstrahl trifft die schatten hier hinein,
Ins blau-kristallne kämmerlein
Die Schwäne Im Schilf

Still, still war die nacht,nur reget sich sacht - von
Dunste bedeckt,ein see tief im walde,im schilfe, dis schwäne,ihr
Wehklagen hallte…
Die maid indes irrtenachtens umher,ihr schmerz
Ungebrochen - kein trost nimmermehr.als ob man sie jage,uber stock,
Uber stein,immer tiefer ins dickicht,ins dunkle hinein.ihr herz
Prochte - raste! - wie donner in ihr,die welt war im
Schlummer,allein war sie hier.alleine im kummer,der see lag vor
Ihr,das jammern der schwäne,es lockte sie hierher…
Licht blitzte und zuckte,erhellte die nacht,ein grollen
Erklang!die welt war erwacht.von ufer zu ufer,das wasser schlug
Aus!es toste und braustezum rande hinaus.die maid war verlorenzu
Grimm ihre pein!die schwäne sie licktensie zu sich hinein.sie trieb
Auf den wogenins dunkel hinaus,sie trieb mit den schwänenins dunkel
Dying Brokenhearted

A bed of moss was granted,
she laid down with a sigh,
Embraced by the green blankets
she kissed the world goodbye

Welch gramvoll pein
Verwies mich meinen pfaden,
Als morgendunstge schwaden,
Noch ruhten im verschneiten hain.

In weit erstarrter heide,
Lang schwand die alte leite,
Wohin noch schweifet der blick,
Fuhrt kein umkehr zuruck.

Uberwunden ist nun dunkelheit,
Nach langem weg in eins***eit.
Von unberuhrtem stege
Folget leis und dicht -
Des mondes fahles licht,
Zum ende aller wege.

Kein hirtenfeuer glimmt mehrbringt licht ins heidemoor.ganz oben,
Einsam singt er - des winters totenchor.


Karges, dunkles land…gänzlich still, weit, unbekannt.sollst so manch
Legende schurzen,doch heut mir nur die kutsche fuhren.
Durch wilde, kahlte klufte - hinein ins odeland. (still, wiet,
Unbekannt)dort herrschen eisge lufte,wie nie zuvor gekannt. (tief drinn
Im odeland)
Wohin ich blick - nur eis und schnee…gespenstge kiefer, dunkler
See…schauderhaftes schlißt mich ein - kein weg, kein steg, kein
Der pferde kräfte schwindenin einer nebelwand,gepeitscht von
Geisterwinden,der schlaf mich ubermannt - tief drin im




Welch gramvoll peinverwies mich meinen pfaden,als morgendunstge
Schwaden,noch ruhten im verschneiten hain.
In weit erstartter heide,lang schwand die alte leite,wohin noch
Schweifet der blick,fuhrt kein umkehr zuruck.
Uberwunden ist nun dunkelheit,nach langem weg in eins***eit.von
Unberuhrtem stegefolget leis und dicht - des mondes fahles licht,zum
Ende alter wege.

[a cappella]



Karges, dunkles land…gänzlich still, weit, unbekannt.sollst so manch
Legende schurzen,doch heut mir nur die kutsche fuhren.
Durch wilde, kahlte klufte - hinein ins odeland. (still, wiet,
Unbekannt)dort herrschen eisge lufte,wie nie zuvor gekannt. (tief drinn
Im odeland)
Wohin ich blick - nur eis und schnee…gespenstge kiefer, dunkler
See…schauderhaftes schlißt mich ein - kein weg, kein steg, kein
Der pferde kräfte schwindenin einer nebelwand,gepeitscht von
Geisterwinden,der schlaf mich ubermannt - tief drin im
Kein Hirtenfeuer Glimmt Mehr

Kein hirtenfeuer glimmt mehr
Bringt licht ins heidemoor.
Ganz oben,
Einsam singt er -
Des winters totenchor
Lover's Grief

O gothic moon thy shine encharmest me tonight
Bereavest me of sleep, makest me wander under thy light.
Thou letst abloom my heart until the very last of thy ray,
Shine! Bereaver of sleep, ere black clouds hide thee away....

I know this can't be eternal!
No love hath ever conquered the borders of time!
No beauty is everlasting, not even thine!
But o how I wished your heart would fore'er be mine...

Thy eyes caress myself to endure these painful lies...
The moon's persistance makest me ask...
Why can't we be stars?
Stars that shine forever...
Stars that unite with the night...

At the horizon the dark stormclouds of sorrow have gathered their might,
neither the moon nor the stars reveal their light this night
..and rain is falling, pouring down into my soul,
while wild weeping clouds enwrapp me in their woe
Many Moons Ago

A night of december so dark and cold,
I walked a path ages old
The moon amongst the clouds revealed
Lightning valleys, forest and field

Embraced by silence i wandered the moor
An endless landscape by my side
When in the mist i saw a light
Dancing through the hazy night

I stood and watched the play in awe
Was deeply touched by what i saw
I told my friends what i did see
And what they told did tremble me!

It's said the ghost of a young, fair maid
Is cursed to dwell beneath the shade
Of the olden oak she died below
O that was many moons ago!

Meagre trees in the shrouds,
as olde as the stones....
Mourners of abandonåd love,
fornever their woes shall grow silent.

O how many times may the moon has shone -
reflected in these black lakes?
Should it be that we can hear,
the woes of those who ceased their lifes?

O so old they are...
they bare the neverending grief...
Age-old miserability
Ancient bitter beauty

Lost is the hope of those,
who walk the moors with pain in heart.
..and all joy it sinks,
burried deep, forever presumed dead.

O so old they are...
they bare the neverending grief...
Age - old miserability,
a bitter beauty thrilling me
Ode To Melancholy

Melancholy - still my desire for thy precious tragedian wine...
Sweep me away, into the vale of thine!
Where sorrow's strong and so is joy.
Melancholy - still my desire, o let my heart by thee inspire...
O fill the air with thy sweet scent,
Let thy light, thy star crescent.
Wherever she dwells i will bid a farewell sigh
For she dwells with beauty - beauty that must die
And deep inside me i will wait for her return
To her enchanting, awe-inspiring flame i'll yearn
O lust and rueful thought be mine,
My soul enhanced, desires...
My heart is thine.
Ordain'd To Thee

Could not even [_?_]
That [_?_] my eyes and see
That there was blood through there long times ago
Oh my love now bring the day with [_?_]
Even if it's lavender and i am violet by thy shame
Never more like the silver hands of the moon
With it's sheild of screams
Sensation dark as thy splendid diamonds
She is like me, autumn her love
Like a bird i might wish my freedom
Eyes like a sapphire full of desire
Hair of gold and lips of fire
Thou art like the waters, so soft is thy skin
Thou art the raven wishing he could sing
Like an ember, this i writhe and i loathe
A flash of lightning so shattering thy rest
Thou art the wind that carries't me up
Oh she's everything i cannot see
In my dreams she does not let me be
Now [_?_] try to [_?_] takest me
Longings of belief art past
But the hollow echoes not died away
This is all over eternally
But it seems it hath been yesterday
Now abandon me [_?_] for a kiss
It's making us feel sad [_?_]
The wetness i feel under tears of mine
That pour faster thans't they leave
The Blue Mists Of Night

..and many a moon shall rise...
..and lead me into the cold embrace of the night
Here we drown in our grief, drown in an absence of light.
Here is no shelter; no escape from our heart,
Entwined in this tragic embrace I fear and bemourn to depart.

When the shadows fall,
and the sun sets in us all...

Just silent hopes remain & the aching grief that grows
into a bottomless vale I fall - O, I give myself away...
Away! Far away! To this dim and misty place
My heart reflects the night...

Languid moonshine I bath my skin in thee
O may thy beauty be revealed in me.
Silent winds, whisper to me
thy songs of solitude and joy...
The Ensemble Of Silence

And again the moon is on the wave, gliding gently into me,
on silent wings the night comes from there,
as my heart longs to thee...

..for in my hand I still hold the rose that froze long times ago,
its leafs have withered, it ceased to grow - left in me is woe.

The wine of love, is o so sweet, but bitter is regret,
I knew at sunset I would meet the ascending veils of dread.

Before my eyes nocturnal curtains fall,
The dark and gentle haze of the night, greedily devours all.

[The Night:]
"Woe to him whose heart is filled with bitter rue and who drowns in grief"

In the silence of the night I loose myself,
it makes me drunken with its sweet blue sound.

In the drunk'ness of solitude
I fear no more the solemn realms of death
No single sigh from my lips as I drink the wine of bitterness
My heart is aching nevermore
for I know that all may end
Just I and the poetry of the night
Now forever one....

Just I and the poetry of the night, now forever one,
The ensemble of silence plays so beautiful for me..
The Fraconian Woods In Winter's Silence

Wrapped in morning silence of these emerald streams
Lonesome voice i hear the ravens cry
Grieving art the morning songs
The love of the forests' tranquility
Just ice cold winds whisper to me
As if a wild rose were trapped
My bleeding heart
A gentle breeze opens wings and [_?_] falls apart
Like a dream
The franconian woods
Enchant me
Embrace me
Franconian woods
Autumn infinity
In the vastness of countless trees
I walk through purity
Lies in the sceneries
Cast for this winter hike
I see the north and it's fountain of light
Morning from ice
The scenery of the night
The Sad Song Of The Wind

Bes till, O wand'rer!
Dost thou not hear the sad song of night?
How the wind does beckon thee to the rest of a while
and to lend him thine ear?

What woeful tale does it tell tonight?
What tragedy of old?
The Shepherd And The Maiden Ghost

't was an eve in late summer, autumn was nigh
Still a warm sun did colour the sky
The meadows did shine in a strange golden light
And vales did forth the soft haze of night
When through the air a voice did resound
Beckoning the shepherd to rise from the ground

The shepherd:

"what sweet voice does sing in such a woebegone tone?
What maiden does wander the heather alone?"
Bewitched by its tone, he followed her song,
Whilst the sun did descend and the shadows grew long
In the dim light of dusk, near the sparkling cascade
On a moss covered stone sat a crying young maid

The shepherd:

"why art thou dreary? what happened to thee?
What song didst thou sing so woefully?"

The maiden:

"go whither o shepherd! don't sadden thine heart
Thou canst not help me - not thou who thou art!
An old man who's been born in a cradle of wood
Of a tree that at least a hundred years stood,
Cut by a boy who at heart was still pure -
Might be my redeemer if he knew that he could..."
The Yearningi Ride Through Day And Night

I ride through day and night
Listen wind, they art my fellows
Eternally i am looking for the eye
Inside my heart
The yearning grows
I rode through the forest [_?_]
Over mountains have i
But it seems they touch the sky
Run through meadows so lonely
Wrestled up streams so clean
My lips art so cold
Where is the tongue that melts the ice and snow?
My grief is infinite
Where are art thou who heals my wounds?
I ride through day and night
Crystal wind bring me my fellows
Eternally i am looking for the eye
The palace of the earth
Under Dreamskies

Storm skies from the nights
Shadows of the forest lie inside
And gleaming emeralds in decorative tones
Brushed by the ice under circles
Her timeless beauty started to wither
A green voice in her heart
She touched the red leaves in sorrow
A farewell was found inside
Oh my dreamless night
Again under the sea of moonshine of this night
Through darkened place in times of pale we have traversed
Do not fear the wounds of their swords
Let me dream of crystal lakes
Lit by the sun, the moon or the stars
Of green meadows and creations of elves and proud pagan hearts
Oh let me retreat 'neath fields embraced by winds and by your kiss
Oh you dwell in these ancient woods where the fantasy begins
Under dreamskies we will march towards the fortress of our love
The fair credence known to us will be as long as eternal kiss
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