Zoner Photo Studio Professional 12.9


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Zoner Photo Studio gelişmiş özellikleri bulunan profesyonel bir resim düzenleme yazılımıdır.

Resim önizlemeleri görüntüleme
Resim görüntüleme desteği
Panorama ve 3D resim oluşturma desteği
Resim bilgilerini görüntüleme ve düzeltme
Resim etiketleme
Resimleriniz arasında arama yapabilme (Aramayı detaylandırabilirsiniz.)
Türe ve zamana göre sıralama
Otomatik resim iyileştirme
Renk ayarlaması yapabilme
Gölge ayarlaması yapabilme
Keskinleştirme özelliği
Kırmızı göz düzeltmesi yapabilme
Resimlere efekt ekleme
Çerçeve ekleme özelliği
Özel grefik araçları
Resimler üzerine yazı ekleme
Resimlerin yönünü değiştirme
Ayna efekti ekleme
Resim kırpma
Resimleri yeniden boyutlandırma
Resim türleri arasında dönüşüm yapabilme
Katman desteği
Çoklu işlem yapabilme
Web galerileri oluşturma
Resimleri CD/DVD'ye yazdırma
Slayt gösterileri olan DVD'ler oluşturma
Resimlerden slayt gösterisi olan PDF dosyaları oluşturma
RAW desteği
Desteklenen dosya türleri:jpg, tiff, gif, png, psd, hdp, bmp, rle, jp2, dcm, pam, pgm, tga, ico, mac, mdm, thn ve daha fazlası



Zoner Photo Studio is the new way to manage your photos. Have you ever bought photo software and found it’s missing something? With Zoner Photo Studio 12, this will never happen. With Zoner Photo Studio 10 Professional you get an all-in-one photos program for every step from acquiring photos to readying them to organizing them to sharing them.Zoner Photo Studio is made for every user of digital cameras, scanners, and mobile devices. It contains everything you need for quality digital photo processing from start to finish: tools for downloading to your computer, for automatic and manual editing and defect correction in pictures, for easy photo management, and for sharing and publishing photos. Zoner Photo Studio is useful for beginners, advanced users, and experienced photographers, who can select one out of four different variants.

Zoner Photo Studio also provides effects from fun (e.g. oil painting and posterization) to highly professional (e.g. framing and text-in-image). Supported file formats: BMI, BMP, CR2, CRW, DIB, GIF, ICO, JPE, JPEG, JPG, MAC, MDM, MRW, NEF, ORF, PCD, PCX, PNG, PSD, PSP, RAW, RLE, TGA, THM, TIF, WPF, EMF, WMF, ZBR, ZCL, ZMF, ZMP. When DirectX support is installed on a computer, Zoner Photo Studio 8 can also display the following multimedia formats: ASF, AVI, M1V, MOV, MPE, MPEG, MPG, QT, WMV, AIF, AIFF, AU, MID, MIDI, MP3, MP3, MPA, RMI, SND, WAV, and WMA. The Deluxe version includes a backup CD, 3D glasses, and Zoner Draw 5 for free! To pick up your purchase immediately, download and install the trial version and unlock using your license code. To pick up your purchase after receiving your CD roughly a week from now, install from that CD, then unlock using your license code.

- Universal "all in one" solution
Zoner Photo Studio is a tool that includes a complete set of tools for processing digital photos. It is broad enough in scope to meet the needs of a wide range of users. Zoner Photo Studio will reliably replace the multiple independent, non-interconnected, and uncooperating programs you could end up using without it.

- GPS Support
Tell your photos where they were taken! Then let them show you the same, on an on-line map like Google Maps. Photos can store GPS data—the longitude, latitude, and even altitude where they were taken, and Zoner can help you automatically bring this info in from any GPS device’s track log or hand-enter it and can then use it to show shot locations on a map. No other photo manager can do this!

- Web Galleries
Web galleries mean no-hassle viewing of your work for anyone you’d like to share with. And the web galleries wizard in Zoner Photo Studio means no-hassle creation of web galleries. No need to learn a special language—but you still get to offer your visitors advanced features like discussion forums and GPS support: they can easily see on a map where you did your shoot.

- Batch Editing
Digital photography can easily mean hundreds of photos per shoot. Even after you toss the bad ones out, brushing up that many photos can drive you crazy if you do it by hand. So don’t! Use the new batch filter feature in Zoner Photo Studio 9 to make any combination of edits you want to any set of photos you want. You can can even save and re-use sets of edits. Let Zoner Photo Studio make the computer do the hard work!

Minimum system requirements:
Microsoft Windows™ XP/Vista/7
512 MB RAM
IE 6.0 and DirectX 8 (or higher)

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