Türkler Google'ı Batıracak..!

bu google in bir hizmeti. siz yine sayfayı googleden çağırıyorsunuz.
işte bu da kod
<!-- Use of this code assumes agreement with the Google Custom Search Terms of Service. -->
<!-- The terms of service are available at /coop/docs/cse/tos.html?hl=en -->
<form name="cse" id="searchbox_demo" action="http://www.google.com/cse">
<input type="hidden" name="cref" value="" />
<input name="q" type="text" size="40" />
<input type="submit" name="sa" value="Search" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/cse/tools/onthefly?form=searchbox_demo"></script>

bu kodu sayfaya ekleyin sizinde googleniz olsun :D
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