Kayıtlı Üye
Fossil – Help us to clean the ocean
Fan and Tsunami Painting – If not in use, turn it off
Don’t kill blockbusters. Choose original DVDs over pirated ones.
Save lives. Stub it out.
The planet is brutally powerful. Respect it. Preserve it.
Help before it’s too late
Exploiting the ecosystem also threatens human lives
A spark is all it takes
Indifference kills
Over 50% of all suicides are committed by senior citizens
2.7 million children in Egypt don’t have a childhood
Education is the only way out
Don’t treat Diabetes to your heart
If the tree falls, we all fall
After the coral reefs completely vanish, humankind will be next
We can’t do it ourselves
Without your support, his fight is already lost
Sleepiness is stronger than you
The faster you go, the faster you arrive there
If you want a stronger marriage, work on it together
Children can be cruel. Teach them that animals have feelings, too
European Car Free Day
Make time for your kids while they’re still kids
Today is the World No Tobacco Day. But it shouldn’t just be today.
Old clothes still can warm many people. This winter, donate.
Your hands can be dangerous
All the birds returning again
Ashes to Ashes: Philip Morris and Philip (Non Smoking Generation)
Today 85,000 Belgians won’t remember what they read in their newspaper
Rebuild the children
Looking through bars hurts
Still there are countries that punish internet free expression
Potty train your e-waste
Fan and Tsunami Painting – If not in use, turn it off
Don’t kill blockbusters. Choose original DVDs over pirated ones.
Save lives. Stub it out.
The planet is brutally powerful. Respect it. Preserve it.
Help before it’s too late
Exploiting the ecosystem also threatens human lives
A spark is all it takes
Indifference kills
Over 50% of all suicides are committed by senior citizens
2.7 million children in Egypt don’t have a childhood
Education is the only way out
Don’t treat Diabetes to your heart
If the tree falls, we all fall
After the coral reefs completely vanish, humankind will be next
We can’t do it ourselves
Without your support, his fight is already lost
Sleepiness is stronger than you
The faster you go, the faster you arrive there
If you want a stronger marriage, work on it together
Children can be cruel. Teach them that animals have feelings, too
European Car Free Day
Make time for your kids while they’re still kids
Today is the World No Tobacco Day. But it shouldn’t just be today.
Old clothes still can warm many people. This winter, donate.
Your hands can be dangerous
All the birds returning again
Ashes to Ashes: Philip Morris and Philip (Non Smoking Generation)
Today 85,000 Belgians won’t remember what they read in their newspaper
Rebuild the children
Looking through bars hurts
Still there are countries that punish internet free expression
Potty train your e-waste