RAM Saver Pro 7.0


Kayıtlı Üye
Kullanımı kolay bir RAM optimize aracı olan RAM Server Pro, programlarınıza veya uygulamalarınıza daha fazla hafıza ayarlaması yaparak, işletim sisteminin performansını arttırıyor. İşlemci ve anakart belleklerinin efektif olarak kullanılmasını arttırıp, hafızada daha fazla yer açılmasını sağlıyor. Belli süreler içerisinde hafızada yer tutan ancak kullanılmayan dll kütüphanelerini boşaltarak RAM'inizden daha fazla ve hızlı yararlanmanızı sağlar.

"RAM Saver Pro" is an easy-to-use RAM optimizer tool that will keep your computer running faster. It increases the operation system performance by making more memory available for your applications. Using these optimization tricks will help your favorite applications and games will run faster and more efficiently - even on old computers. "RAM Saver Pro" program consists of two basic parts: System Tray - module and Control Panel.

"RAM Saver Pro" will:
- defragment system memory for faster access time;
- increasing the efficiency of your CPU and Motherboard caches;
- recover memory leaks from poorly behaved applications;
- flush unused libraries temporarily out to disk and so on.
Using these optimization tricks will help your favorite applications and games will run faster and more efficiently - even on old computers.
"RAM Saver Pro" program consists of two basic parts: System Tray - module and Control Panel.

Main program features:
- System Tray monitor
- Desktop RAM monitor
- specialized Control Panel
- professional memory monitoring
- flexible memory optimization with complete statistics output
- RAM benchmark test
- monitoring and control over the processes which take place in the memory
- possibility to create "boosted shortcuts"
- common and advanced options
- automatic and intelligent optimization
- fast run of tools
- forced cleaning of Clipboard
- possibility to close all programs for full memory release by one click
- control over Windows uptime
- suppressing and fast running of screen saver
- check the presence of disk in CD-ROM drive in the moment of computer shut down
- hide all desktop icons
- forced shut down and restart of computer

Changes in version 7.0 (July, 2007):
+ interface of program was changed
+ window resize possibility was added
+ SysInfo page was added
+ Transparent window option was added
+ Save Window Size option was added
+ Save Window Position option was added
+ help file was changed
+ VISTA compatibility was added
+ fonts of program were changed
+ lng-files were updated

İşletim Sistemi : Windows (Tümü)

Homepage - http://www.wintools.net/ramsaverpro/

Size - 457 KB

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