İtemsiz 100 np ile baslansınız.Uzerınızde 30m bulunur.
Oto master.
Oto üyelik.
Oto symbol.
Oto grade.(Dikkat Otog1 deil!!!)
Tüm sorunlar fix dir.
Felankor's Lair ekli.
+Open2 Sorunsuz.
Savas lar sorunsuz.
Tüm server Files larda çalısır...
****> Kalan özellikler aşağıda;
res kodu
RaR Password: Mr_SpawN
DB nin bulunduğu klasor ün içindeki metin belgesini silmemeniz yeterli
farkLı bi map dosyası kuLLanmanıza gerek yoktur
Oto master.
Oto üyelik.
Oto symbol.
Oto grade.(Dikkat Otog1 deil!!!)
Tüm sorunlar fix dir.
Felankor's Lair ekli.
+Open2 Sorunsuz.
Savas lar sorunsuz.
Tüm server Files larda çalısır...
****> Kalan özellikler aşağıda;
DroP LisT;
************************************************** ****
********< MARADON DROP LİST ********>
************************************************** ****
<=> SİLAHLAR <=>
* Worm <-> Destroyer +8,Cleaver +8,Viper Staff +8
* Earth worm <-> 3 Adet Gold Coin (1m),Plate Shield +8
* Blood worm <-> Mirage Dagger +6,Glave +6,Salamander Staff+6
* Scavenger Bandicoot <-> Wizard Staff +9
<=> ARMORLAR <=>
* Bulcan-Bulture <-> Rogue Chitin +8 =Gousluk,Pantolon,Kafakik,Ayaklik,Kolluk
* Wild bulcan-Giant Gavolt <-> Warrior Chitin +8 =Gousluk,Pantolon,Kafalik,Ayaklik,Kolluk
* Bulky bulcan-Small Bulcan <-> Priest Chitin +8 =Gousluk,Pantolon,Ayaklik,Kafalik,Kolluk
* Giant bulcan-Bandicoot <-> Mage Chitin+8 =Gousluk,Pantolon,Kafalik,Ayaklik,Kolluk
* Wild Bandicoot <-> Mage Paper +8 =Robe,Pantolon,Kafalik,
* Scavenger Bandicoot <-> Mage Paper +8 =Kolluk,Ayaklik
<=> SCROLLS <=>
* Snatcher <-> 1500 Buff SC,300 Ac SC,Attack SC
* Carrion Crawler <-> Sw SC,Dex SC,Str SC,Hp SC
* Orc Watcher <-> Magic Shield,Judgment,Scream= SC
* Bandicoot <-> HP SC
* Fury Gavolt <-> Absolute Power,54-57-35= SC
<=> TAKILAR <=>
* Kecoon <-> Sapphire Ring HP,STR,DEX= Bonus 10
* Kecoon fighter <-> Ruby Earring HP,STR,DEX= Bonus 10
* Kecoon warrior <-> Golden Pendant HP,STR,DEX= Bonus 10
* Kecoon captain <-> Linen Belt HP,STR,DEX= Bonus 10
<=> EXTRALAR <=>
* Shilan <-> Rogue,Warrior,Mage,Priest =DD17
* Fury gavolt <-> 57,54,35 Kagitlari
* Werewolf <-> Scroll of Lion Strength,Çatal,TÜRKİYE BAYRAĞI
* Lycan <-> Blessed Upgrade Scroll (3 ADET),Mage Hat DD10
* Cannibal Bandicoot <-> Friend Teleport Scroll
* Scavenger Bandicoot <-> Mage Paper =DD17
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********< ESLAND DROP LİST ********>
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<=> SİLAHLAR <=>
* Falcon <-> Raptor +6,Shard +6,Exlixir Staff +7
* DREAD MARE <-> Hell Breaker +3,Sherion +3,Dark Vane +3
* DARK MARE <-> Exceptional Shard +1,Exceptional Raptor +1,Exceptional İron İmpact +1
* Dark stone <-> Lightning Erenion +6,Glacier Erenion +6,Wreath of Erenion +6
* Apostle of Piercing Cold <-> Spear of Murky Waters +6
* Apostle of Flames <-> Lugias +6
* Troll Shaman <-> Smite Hammer +3
<=> ARMORLAR <=>
* Troll-Raven <-> Rogue Chitin Shell +7 =Gousluk,Pantolon,Kafalik,Ayaklik,Kolluk
* Troll Warrior-Stone Golem <-> Warrior Chitin Shell +7 =Gousluk,Pantolon,Kafalik,Ayaklik,Kolluk
* Crimson Wing-Harpy <-> Mage Complete +7 =Gousluk,Pantolon,Kafalik,Ayaklik,Kolluk
* Troll Berserker-Apostle <-> Priest Chitin Shell +7 =Gousluk,Pantolon,Kafalik,Ayaklik,Kolluk
<=> TAKİLAR <=>
<=> EXTRALAR <=>
************************************************** ***
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********< BOSS DROP LİST ********>
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* Lesath <-> Holy Animor +7,Chitin Shield +0,Tail of Lesath
* Shaula <-> Scorpion Shield +0,Syphioric +5,Tail of Shaula
* Talos <-> İron Belt +0
* Snake Quenn <-> İron Necklace +0,Amulet of =Health,Strength,Dextery +0
* Harpy Queen <-> Warrior Earring +1,Rogue Earring +1,Cleric Earring +1,Mage Earring +1
* Troll King <-> Elf-Metal Earring +1,Platinum Earring +1,Secret-Silver Earring +1
* Duke <-> Ring of Courage +1
* Bishop <-> Ring of Magic +1
* Bach <-> Ring of Life +1
* Samma <-> Gigantic Axe +0
* Javana <-> Javana Axe +0
* Deruvish Founder <-> Elf Belt +1,Lycaon Staff +7
* Barkirra <-> Sword of Beast +0,Fanh of Bakirra
* Barrkk <-> Tooth +0
* Lycaon <-> Lycaon hammer +0,Lycaon Pendant +0
* Lupus <-> Lupus staff +0,Lupus hammer +0,Lupus Pendant +0
* Lobo <-> Lobo staff +0,Lobo hammer +0,Lobo Pendant +0
* Attila <-> Warrior Pendant +1,Elemental Pendant +1
* Antares <-> Holy Animor +5,Scorpion Scythe +5
* Hyde <-> Sword of the Dead +0
* Dragon Tooth <-> Dragon tooth Hammer +0,Mace of <selfname> +6,Pole of <selfname> +6
* Orc bandit leader <-> Holy water of Temple
* Etaroth <-> Blue Treasure Chest & Green Treasure Chest
************************************************** ***
�������������������������������������������������� ���
********< BİG BOSS DROP LİST ********>
�������������������������������������������������� ���
* FELANKOR <-> Ring of Felankor +1,Gold Bar
* ISILOON <-> Dread Shield +8,İron Belt +2,Spear of <selfname> +8
* ULTİMA <-> İron Necklace +2,Shield of <selfname> +8,Dagger of <selfname> +8
************************************************** ***
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********< DİGER ********>
�������������������������������������������������� ���
* İsiloon's Soldier <-> Avedon +3
* Atross <-> Exceptional Blade Axe +2,Exceptional Deep Scar +2,Exceptional Mirage +2
************************************************** ****
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********< Bi-Frost ********>
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* Ego <-> Silvery Gem,Fragment of Arrogance
* Lust <-> Blue Gem,Fragment of Lechery
* Glutton <-> Red Gem,Fragment of Gluttony
* Greed <-> Black Gem,Fragment of Avarice
* Envy <-> Green Gem,Fragment of Jealousy
* Sloth <-> Yellow Gem,Fragment of Sloth
************************************************** ***
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********< QUEST ********>
�������������������������������������������������� ��
* [Quest]Lard Orc [WIZARDKO] <-> Bronze Trophy
* [Quest]Uruk Tron [WIZARDKO] <-> Silver Trophy
* [Quest]Troll [WIZARDKO] <-> Gold Trophy
************************************************** ***
NOT: Drop bug olmaması için her monster'a en fazla 3 drop konmuştur.
********< DB UPGRADE ORANLARİ ********>
+1 <-> +5 :%1oo
************************************************** ****
********< MARADON DROP LİST ********>
************************************************** ****
<=> SİLAHLAR <=>
* Worm <-> Destroyer +8,Cleaver +8,Viper Staff +8
* Earth worm <-> 3 Adet Gold Coin (1m),Plate Shield +8
* Blood worm <-> Mirage Dagger +6,Glave +6,Salamander Staff+6
* Scavenger Bandicoot <-> Wizard Staff +9
<=> ARMORLAR <=>
* Bulcan-Bulture <-> Rogue Chitin +8 =Gousluk,Pantolon,Kafakik,Ayaklik,Kolluk
* Wild bulcan-Giant Gavolt <-> Warrior Chitin +8 =Gousluk,Pantolon,Kafalik,Ayaklik,Kolluk
* Bulky bulcan-Small Bulcan <-> Priest Chitin +8 =Gousluk,Pantolon,Ayaklik,Kafalik,Kolluk
* Giant bulcan-Bandicoot <-> Mage Chitin+8 =Gousluk,Pantolon,Kafalik,Ayaklik,Kolluk
* Wild Bandicoot <-> Mage Paper +8 =Robe,Pantolon,Kafalik,
* Scavenger Bandicoot <-> Mage Paper +8 =Kolluk,Ayaklik
<=> SCROLLS <=>
* Snatcher <-> 1500 Buff SC,300 Ac SC,Attack SC
* Carrion Crawler <-> Sw SC,Dex SC,Str SC,Hp SC
* Orc Watcher <-> Magic Shield,Judgment,Scream= SC
* Bandicoot <-> HP SC
* Fury Gavolt <-> Absolute Power,54-57-35= SC
<=> TAKILAR <=>
* Kecoon <-> Sapphire Ring HP,STR,DEX= Bonus 10
* Kecoon fighter <-> Ruby Earring HP,STR,DEX= Bonus 10
* Kecoon warrior <-> Golden Pendant HP,STR,DEX= Bonus 10
* Kecoon captain <-> Linen Belt HP,STR,DEX= Bonus 10
<=> EXTRALAR <=>
* Shilan <-> Rogue,Warrior,Mage,Priest =DD17
* Fury gavolt <-> 57,54,35 Kagitlari
* Werewolf <-> Scroll of Lion Strength,Çatal,TÜRKİYE BAYRAĞI
* Lycan <-> Blessed Upgrade Scroll (3 ADET),Mage Hat DD10
* Cannibal Bandicoot <-> Friend Teleport Scroll
* Scavenger Bandicoot <-> Mage Paper =DD17
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********< ESLAND DROP LİST ********>
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<=> SİLAHLAR <=>
* Falcon <-> Raptor +6,Shard +6,Exlixir Staff +7
* DREAD MARE <-> Hell Breaker +3,Sherion +3,Dark Vane +3
* DARK MARE <-> Exceptional Shard +1,Exceptional Raptor +1,Exceptional İron İmpact +1
* Dark stone <-> Lightning Erenion +6,Glacier Erenion +6,Wreath of Erenion +6
* Apostle of Piercing Cold <-> Spear of Murky Waters +6
* Apostle of Flames <-> Lugias +6
* Troll Shaman <-> Smite Hammer +3
<=> ARMORLAR <=>
* Troll-Raven <-> Rogue Chitin Shell +7 =Gousluk,Pantolon,Kafalik,Ayaklik,Kolluk
* Troll Warrior-Stone Golem <-> Warrior Chitin Shell +7 =Gousluk,Pantolon,Kafalik,Ayaklik,Kolluk
* Crimson Wing-Harpy <-> Mage Complete +7 =Gousluk,Pantolon,Kafalik,Ayaklik,Kolluk
* Troll Berserker-Apostle <-> Priest Chitin Shell +7 =Gousluk,Pantolon,Kafalik,Ayaklik,Kolluk
<=> TAKİLAR <=>
<=> EXTRALAR <=>
************************************************** ***
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********< BOSS DROP LİST ********>
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* Lesath <-> Holy Animor +7,Chitin Shield +0,Tail of Lesath
* Shaula <-> Scorpion Shield +0,Syphioric +5,Tail of Shaula
* Talos <-> İron Belt +0
* Snake Quenn <-> İron Necklace +0,Amulet of =Health,Strength,Dextery +0
* Harpy Queen <-> Warrior Earring +1,Rogue Earring +1,Cleric Earring +1,Mage Earring +1
* Troll King <-> Elf-Metal Earring +1,Platinum Earring +1,Secret-Silver Earring +1
* Duke <-> Ring of Courage +1
* Bishop <-> Ring of Magic +1
* Bach <-> Ring of Life +1
* Samma <-> Gigantic Axe +0
* Javana <-> Javana Axe +0
* Deruvish Founder <-> Elf Belt +1,Lycaon Staff +7
* Barkirra <-> Sword of Beast +0,Fanh of Bakirra
* Barrkk <-> Tooth +0
* Lycaon <-> Lycaon hammer +0,Lycaon Pendant +0
* Lupus <-> Lupus staff +0,Lupus hammer +0,Lupus Pendant +0
* Lobo <-> Lobo staff +0,Lobo hammer +0,Lobo Pendant +0
* Attila <-> Warrior Pendant +1,Elemental Pendant +1
* Antares <-> Holy Animor +5,Scorpion Scythe +5
* Hyde <-> Sword of the Dead +0
* Dragon Tooth <-> Dragon tooth Hammer +0,Mace of <selfname> +6,Pole of <selfname> +6
* Orc bandit leader <-> Holy water of Temple
* Etaroth <-> Blue Treasure Chest & Green Treasure Chest
************************************************** ***
�������������������������������������������������� ���
********< BİG BOSS DROP LİST ********>
�������������������������������������������������� ���
* FELANKOR <-> Ring of Felankor +1,Gold Bar
* ISILOON <-> Dread Shield +8,İron Belt +2,Spear of <selfname> +8
* ULTİMA <-> İron Necklace +2,Shield of <selfname> +8,Dagger of <selfname> +8
************************************************** ***
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********< DİGER ********>
�������������������������������������������������� ���
* İsiloon's Soldier <-> Avedon +3
* Atross <-> Exceptional Blade Axe +2,Exceptional Deep Scar +2,Exceptional Mirage +2
************************************************** ****
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********< Bi-Frost ********>
�������������������������������������������������� ���
* Ego <-> Silvery Gem,Fragment of Arrogance
* Lust <-> Blue Gem,Fragment of Lechery
* Glutton <-> Red Gem,Fragment of Gluttony
* Greed <-> Black Gem,Fragment of Avarice
* Envy <-> Green Gem,Fragment of Jealousy
* Sloth <-> Yellow Gem,Fragment of Sloth
************************************************** ***
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********< QUEST ********>
�������������������������������������������������� ��
* [Quest]Lard Orc [WIZARDKO] <-> Bronze Trophy
* [Quest]Uruk Tron [WIZARDKO] <-> Silver Trophy
* [Quest]Troll [WIZARDKO] <-> Gold Trophy
************************************************** ***
NOT: Drop bug olmaması için her monster'a en fazla 3 drop konmuştur.
********< DB UPGRADE ORANLARİ ********>
+1 <-> +5 :%1oo
res kodu
exec Rank_Knights
RaR Password: Mr_SpawN
DB nin bulunduğu klasor ün içindeki metin belgesini silmemeniz yeterli
farkLı bi map dosyası kuLLanmanıza gerek yoktur