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~Season 2.5~
translated and printed by me~ somethings may sound cheesy coz sounding too formal is gay.
~GM Upgrdes~
1) New GM Looks (this may means new char may not be a female elf?)
>New looks for GM Chars. (this look very Cabal-ish~~)
>New GM Name Color and Boldness for better noticing. Chat name and color are also diffrient color and bold.
2) GM Playground (map name is either GM's Field or i called it playground, not silent map or w/e)
>Thats right GMs now gets a official playground! no more holding meetings in that small shity Stadium island anymore
u now get a fancy place to do stuff in lol...only way to get there is gm warp commands, also rumor they had gm shops in there on the korean server(why wouldnt they? lol)
3)GM Gift Box
>GM's Special Prize box for winning events, i guess instead of giving ugly looking BoK, now u can give players a fancy looking BoK
> i think only GMs can throw it...not sure...well u just get special items from the box, could be exc or non exc.
4)GM Wedding Ceremony
>i guess this is dev2 or something, now "weddings" are official GM events, you can not do them randomly anymore(a GM must held the ceremony the priest lol).
>only when the wedding is on you can buy and use items from NPC "Natasha (full name: Fireworks Merchant Natasha)" at cords (32,31), not sure what items mayb the gift box and other stuff...fireworks and firecrackers? XD
~PK System Update~
1)max players for the non pvp server have been increased.
2)self defence is now from 30seconds to 90seconds.
3)new visual effect for when u get into self defence pic sorry, webzen didnt release any...
and nothing else really important expect i think they added this PK table thing
where at etc. lvl 11 to 150 u'll lose 1% exp when ur normal(lol thats gay), and when warning mode u'll lose 5% so on etc. etc. go look at the table and work it our ur self...
~Game System Update~
1) personal shop shit, not important.
2)Move Menu Reorganize
>Tarkan,tarkan2,icarus,aida1,aida2 ----> aida 1,aida2,tarkan,tarkan2,icarus. (changing to fit the story line? well mayb most of u havnt read s3's spoiler story line yet lol...)
3)Shadow Phantom Corps. (elf solider) can now buff up to lvl 220 chars, before was 180.
4) ChoasCastle change.
>when u die u'll spawn at where u used the item that takes u into CC(i forgot the game), instead of spawning in devias all the time...
translated and printed by me~ somethings may sound cheesy coz sounding too formal is gay.
~GM Upgrdes~
1) New GM Looks (this may means new char may not be a female elf?)
>New looks for GM Chars. (this look very Cabal-ish~~)

>New GM Name Color and Boldness for better noticing. Chat name and color are also diffrient color and bold.

2) GM Playground (map name is either GM's Field or i called it playground, not silent map or w/e)
>Thats right GMs now gets a official playground! no more holding meetings in that small shity Stadium island anymore

3)GM Gift Box
>GM's Special Prize box for winning events, i guess instead of giving ugly looking BoK, now u can give players a fancy looking BoK
> i think only GMs can throw it...not sure...well u just get special items from the box, could be exc or non exc.

4)GM Wedding Ceremony
>i guess this is dev2 or something, now "weddings" are official GM events, you can not do them randomly anymore(a GM must held the ceremony the priest lol).

>only when the wedding is on you can buy and use items from NPC "Natasha (full name: Fireworks Merchant Natasha)" at cords (32,31), not sure what items mayb the gift box and other stuff...fireworks and firecrackers? XD

~PK System Update~
1)max players for the non pvp server have been increased.
2)self defence is now from 30seconds to 90seconds.
3)new visual effect for when u get into self defence pic sorry, webzen didnt release any...
and nothing else really important expect i think they added this PK table thing
where at etc. lvl 11 to 150 u'll lose 1% exp when ur normal(lol thats gay), and when warning mode u'll lose 5% so on etc. etc. go look at the table and work it our ur self...
~Game System Update~
1) personal shop shit, not important.
2)Move Menu Reorganize
>Tarkan,tarkan2,icarus,aida1,aida2 ----> aida 1,aida2,tarkan,tarkan2,icarus. (changing to fit the story line? well mayb most of u havnt read s3's spoiler story line yet lol...)

3)Shadow Phantom Corps. (elf solider) can now buff up to lvl 220 chars, before was 180.
4) ChoasCastle change.
>when u die u'll spawn at where u used the item that takes u into CC(i forgot the game), instead of spawning in devias all the time...