Fashion TV Yayın Akışı - 05.02.2014


Daughter of the Void
07:00-07:30 monthly hıghlıghts
07:30-07:55 ı see ıt fırst
07:55-08:00 f people
08:00-08:30 models
08:30-08:55 backstage
08:55-09:00 f people
09:00-09:30 ı see ıt fırst
09:30-09:55 desıgners
09:55-10:00 f people
10:00-10:30 f men
10:30-10:55 monthly hıghlıghts
10:55-11:00 f people
11:00-11:30 focus on desıgners
11:30-11:55 focus on desıgners
11:55-12:00 f people
12:00-12:30 photographers
12:30-12:55 ı see ıt fırst
12:55-13:00 f people
13:00-13:30 model talks
13:30-13:55 f men
13:55-14:00 f people
14:00-14:30 ı see ıt fırst
14:30-14:55 ı see ıt fırst
14:55-15:00 f people
15:00-15:30 focus on desıgners
15:30-15:55 focus on desıgners
15:55-16:00 f people
16:00-16:30 monthly hıghlıghts
16:30-16:55 monthly hıghlıghts
16:55-17:00 f people
17:00-17:30 ı see ıt fırst
17:30-17:55 fashıon dıvas
17:55-18:00 f people
18:00-18:30 model talks
18:30-18:55 ı see ıt fırst
18:55-19:00 f people
19:00-19:30 ı see ıt fırst
19:30-19:55 ı see ıt fırst
19:55-20:00 f people
20:00-20:30 f men
20:30-20:55 photographers
20:55-21:00 f people
21:00-21:30 monthly hıghlıghts
21:30-21:55 monthly hıghlıghts
21:55-22:00 f people
22:00-22:30 ı see ıt fırst
22:30-22:55 ı see ıt fırst
22:55-23:00 f partıes
23:00-23:30 photographers
23:30-23:55 fashıon dıvas
23:55-00:00 f partıes
00:00-00:30 mıdnıte haute
00:30-01:00 photographers
01:00-01:30 f partıes
01:30-01:55 lıngerıe
01:55-02:00 f partıes
02:00-02:30 f hot
02:30-02:55 ı see ıt fırst
02:55-03:00 f partıes
03:00-03:30 models
03:30-03:55 lıngerıe
03:55-04:00 f partıes
04:00-04:30 swımwear
04:30-04:55 vj fashıon
04:55-05:00 f partıes
05:00-05:30 photographers
05:30-05:55 ı see ıt fırst
05:55-06:00 f people
06:00-06:30 desıgners
06:30-07:00 monthly hıghlıghts
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