Dead Disk Doctor 1.26 Plus Multilingual


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2.70 MB
Bozulan cd ,disket yada harddisklerdeki önemli verilerinizi kurtarmanızı sağlayabilecek bir yazılım. Verileriniz diskin bozulmayan kısmındaysa kurtarma olaslılığınız yüksek. Dead Disk Doctor 10kb lik bloklar halinde veriyi okumaya çalışır. Eğer yüzeyde bir problemle karşılaşırsa tekrar okumayı başarıncaya kadar okuma blok boyutunu düşürür. Okuma başarılı olunca da tekrar aynı adımlarla 10kb lik maksimum blok okuma boyutuna geri döner. Böylece dosyalarınızın tamamını olmasa bile bir kısmını kurtarabilirsiniz.
Dead Disk Doctor – allows copying files from scratched or damaged CD, DVD disks, unreadableFloppy and Hard Drives or other media. It replaces lost data with random bytes reading files byexpandable blocks. Friendly interface. Only three steps and done!
For example, one of your favorite DVD movies is scratched and the DVD player stopping andskipping during you watch the movie. You can solve it using Dead Disk Doctor, to copy files fromdamaged disk on to Hard Drive or to make a copy with corrected movie or music album.
Most of the time the copying algorithm allows to read data when standard utilities or devicescannot. But even if some part of the media is completely unreadable, it will be replaced withrandom data. As result, watching this way copied movie, may be you will see some video artifactsfor the less then a second, which is much better the stops and skips. Quite same about audio andimage files.
Routine reads file by 4-16kb blocks and when hardware involves errors, the size of blockdecrease two times and so on until the moment when block of data will be read without anyerrors, or it reach minimum read size block, depending on file system, then program fills oneblock with random data and starts to read second one. After successfully reading data, block size increase two times again and again to reach maximum size.
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