07:00-09:00 geri sayım
09:00-12:00 piyasa ekranı
12:00-14:00 finans cafe
14:00-17:00 piyasa ekranı
17:00-18:05 son baskı
18:05-19:00 star wars: The clone wars
19:00-20:00 the closer
20:00-20:35 sullıvan and son
20:35-22:00 the newsroom
22:00-00:30 korkusuz
00:30-01:25 conan
01:25-02:10 revolutıon
02:10-02:35 sullıvan and son
02:35-04:55 korkusuz
04:55-05:35 the closer
05:35-06:35 the newsroom
06:35-07:00 sullıvan and son
09:00-12:00 piyasa ekranı
12:00-14:00 finans cafe
14:00-17:00 piyasa ekranı
17:00-18:05 son baskı
18:05-19:00 star wars: The clone wars
19:00-20:00 the closer
20:00-20:35 sullıvan and son
20:35-22:00 the newsroom
22:00-00:30 korkusuz
00:30-01:25 conan
01:25-02:10 revolutıon
02:10-02:35 sullıvan and son
02:35-04:55 korkusuz
04:55-05:35 the closer
05:35-06:35 the newsroom
06:35-07:00 sullıvan and son