Genel anlamda bağlayıcı maddelere verilen isim.
Bunlar yaygın olarak tanınan ve kullanılan silikat hidrat esaslı portland çimentosu olabildiği gibi, poliner
esaslı plastik ve asfalt da olabilir. Genellikle bu terim günümüzde su ile karıştırıldığında su ile kimyâsal
olarak birleşerek bağlayıcılık özelliği kazanan hidrolik bağlayıcılara verilen isimdir. Havada olduğu gibi
su içinde de sertleşen çimentolar silikatlı ve alüminatlı kireç bileşiğine sâhiptir. Bâzı oksit mineraller de
hidrolik çimento özelliğine sâhipse de normal çimento ile yarışacak durumda değildir. Hidrolik
çimentoların çoğu su, kum ve çakıl ile berâber beton üretiminde kullanılır. Burada çimento hamuru,
agrega denilen ayrık elemanları birbirine bağlar.
Concrete is a material used in building construction, consisting of a hard, chemically inert particulate substance, known as an aggregate (usually made from different types of sand and gravel), that is bonded together by cement and water.
The Assyrians and Babylonians used clay as the bonding substance or cement. The Egyptians used lime and gypsum cement. In 1756, British engineer, John Smeaton made the first modern concrete (hydraulic cement) by adding pebbles as a coarse aggregate and mixing powered brick into the cement. In 1824, English inventor, Joseph Aspdin invented Portland Cement, which has remained the dominant cement used in concrete production. Joseph Aspdin created the first true artificial cement by burning ground limestone and clay together. The burning process changed the chemical properties of the materials and Joseph Aspdin created a stronger cement than what using plain crushed limestone would produce.
The other major part of concrete besides the cement is the aggregate. Aggregates include sand, crushed stone, gravel, slag, ashes, burned shale, and burned clay. Fine aggregate (fine refers to the size of aggregate) is used in making concrete slabs and smooth surfaces. Coarse aggregate is used for massive structures or sections of cement.
Concrete that includes imbedded metal (usually steel) is called reinforced concrete or ferroconcrete. Reinforced concrete was invented (1849) by Joseph Monier, who received a patent in 1867. Joseph Monier was a Parisian gardener who made garden pots and tubs of concrete reinforced with an iron mesh. Reinforced concrete combines the tensile or bendable strength of metal and the compressional strength of concrete to withstand heavy loads. Joseph Monier exhibited his invention at the Paris Exposition of 1867. Besides his pots and tubs, Joseph Monier promoted reinforced concrete for use in railway ties, pipes, floors, arches, and bridges.
Bunlar yaygın olarak tanınan ve kullanılan silikat hidrat esaslı portland çimentosu olabildiği gibi, poliner
esaslı plastik ve asfalt da olabilir. Genellikle bu terim günümüzde su ile karıştırıldığında su ile kimyâsal
olarak birleşerek bağlayıcılık özelliği kazanan hidrolik bağlayıcılara verilen isimdir. Havada olduğu gibi
su içinde de sertleşen çimentolar silikatlı ve alüminatlı kireç bileşiğine sâhiptir. Bâzı oksit mineraller de
hidrolik çimento özelliğine sâhipse de normal çimento ile yarışacak durumda değildir. Hidrolik
çimentoların çoğu su, kum ve çakıl ile berâber beton üretiminde kullanılır. Burada çimento hamuru,
agrega denilen ayrık elemanları birbirine bağlar.
Concrete is a material used in building construction, consisting of a hard, chemically inert particulate substance, known as an aggregate (usually made from different types of sand and gravel), that is bonded together by cement and water.
The Assyrians and Babylonians used clay as the bonding substance or cement. The Egyptians used lime and gypsum cement. In 1756, British engineer, John Smeaton made the first modern concrete (hydraulic cement) by adding pebbles as a coarse aggregate and mixing powered brick into the cement. In 1824, English inventor, Joseph Aspdin invented Portland Cement, which has remained the dominant cement used in concrete production. Joseph Aspdin created the first true artificial cement by burning ground limestone and clay together. The burning process changed the chemical properties of the materials and Joseph Aspdin created a stronger cement than what using plain crushed limestone would produce.
The other major part of concrete besides the cement is the aggregate. Aggregates include sand, crushed stone, gravel, slag, ashes, burned shale, and burned clay. Fine aggregate (fine refers to the size of aggregate) is used in making concrete slabs and smooth surfaces. Coarse aggregate is used for massive structures or sections of cement.
Concrete that includes imbedded metal (usually steel) is called reinforced concrete or ferroconcrete. Reinforced concrete was invented (1849) by Joseph Monier, who received a patent in 1867. Joseph Monier was a Parisian gardener who made garden pots and tubs of concrete reinforced with an iron mesh. Reinforced concrete combines the tensile or bendable strength of metal and the compressional strength of concrete to withstand heavy loads. Joseph Monier exhibited his invention at the Paris Exposition of 1867. Besides his pots and tubs, Joseph Monier promoted reinforced concrete for use in railway ties, pipes, floors, arches, and bridges.