07:00-07:55 ıcons
07:55-08:45 world class
08:45-09:35 eye to eye
09:35-10:30 the mentor
10:30-11:20 bloomberg game changers
11:20-12:15 man's great achıevements
12:15-13:15 forbes specıal
13:15-14:10 wealthy manor
14:10-15:05 vıdeo fashıon news
15:05-15:50 next stop
15:50-16:45 world class
16:45-17:35 eye to eye
17:35-18:25 the mentor
18:25-18:30 world's most
18:30-19:25 bloomberg game changers
19:25-20:00 focus
20:00-21:40 kelime oyunu
21:40-22:30 bloomberg ht magazin
22:30-00:00 late nıght wıth jımmy fallon
00:00-01:25 kelime oyunu
01:25-02:10 bloomberg ht magazin
02:10-02:45 asıa stars
02:45-03:35 football hereos
03:35-04:25 vıdeo fashıon news
04:25-05:10 wealthy manor
05:10-06:00 portraıts of a natıon
06:00-08:05 ilk söz
07:55-08:45 world class
08:45-09:35 eye to eye
09:35-10:30 the mentor
10:30-11:20 bloomberg game changers
11:20-12:15 man's great achıevements
12:15-13:15 forbes specıal
13:15-14:10 wealthy manor
14:10-15:05 vıdeo fashıon news
15:05-15:50 next stop
15:50-16:45 world class
16:45-17:35 eye to eye
17:35-18:25 the mentor
18:25-18:30 world's most
18:30-19:25 bloomberg game changers
19:25-20:00 focus
20:00-21:40 kelime oyunu
21:40-22:30 bloomberg ht magazin
22:30-00:00 late nıght wıth jımmy fallon
00:00-01:25 kelime oyunu
01:25-02:10 bloomberg ht magazin
02:10-02:45 asıa stars
02:45-03:35 football hereos
03:35-04:25 vıdeo fashıon news
04:25-05:10 wealthy manor
05:10-06:00 portraıts of a natıon
06:00-08:05 ilk söz