Bazı Yabancı Graffiti Grupları (Graffiti Crews)


Bayan Üye
3yb - Three Yard Boys
7DS - Seven Deadly Sins
156 (156 Crew)
357 (357 crew)
501 (501 Crew)
AMW- America's Most Wanted
AOK -All Out Kings
BAD Inc. -Boys Are Down
BC - Bad Company
TBK - The Bad Kids aka
The Brooklyn Killers
BLS - Bad Latin Squad
BYB - Bad Yard Boys
BYI - Beyond Your Imagination
TBS - The Bomb Squad
TB - The Boys
CAC - Crazy Ass Criminals
CBS - Can't Be Stopped
CA - Cheeba Action
Challenge To Be Free
Chaos Inc.
CITY - Children Invading The Yards
COD - Children Of Destruction
CBK - City's Badest Kids
TC5 - The Crazy Five
TC5 - The Cool Five
TCA - The Crazy Artists
TCC - The Crazy Crew
CIA - Crazy Insides Artist
TCP - The Crazy Partners
CYA - Crazy Young Artist
CW - Crazy Writers
TCB - The Crazy Bunch
TC - The Crew
TCP - The Crazy Partners
CUK - Cut Up Kidds
TD4 - The Deadly Four
TDS - The Death Squad
DESTINY - Destroying Every Subway Train In New York
TD - The Destroyers
DOG - Devils Of Graffiti
Diamonds Incorporated
TED - The Ebony Dukes
EX Vandals - Experienced Vandals
TF5 - The Fabulous 5ive
TFP - The Fantastic Partners
FC - Fame City
FBA - Fast Breaking Art
FBI - Funk Brothers Incorporated
FX -
GND - Graffiti Never Dies
TGF - The Graffiti Force Mob
GTF - Got The Feeva
TGU - The Graffiti Underground
Grand Masters
GO The Go Club
Hot Crew
HW - Hot Women
INC - Inks No Crime
IBM - Incredible Bombing Masters
INDs Independents
JCS - Just Can't Stop
JHF - Just Having Fun
KSW - Kids Smokin Weed
Kill 'em
TK - The Killers
TKC - The Killer Crew
KA - Kings Arrive
KD - Kings Destroy
KO - Kings Only
The Kools Inc.
TKA - The Kool Artists
TKC - The Kool Cats
LA - Latin Action
LAW - Legions Assassins Wizzards
TLP - The Loco Partners
Looking Good
LOC - Look Out Crew
TMA - The Mad Artists
MTA - Mad Transit Artists
TMK - The Majestic Killers
TMT - The Magnificent Team
TM7 - The Magnificent Seven
TMA - The Master Artists
TMB - The Master Blasters
The MOB - Masters Of Broadway
MOG - Masters Of Graffiti
TMR - The Master Race
MG - Mission Graffiti
MPC - Morris Park Crew
MW - Mad Writers
MW - Master Works
TNA - The Nasty Artists
TNB - The Nasty Boys
TNR - The Nasty Rebels
TNS - The Nasty Squad
TNS - They Never Stop
TNT - The Nasty Two aka
TNT - The Nation's Top
NBC - Nation's Best Creations
NOC - Nation Of Creation
News Breakers
NBG - Nothing But Graffiti
NGG - Notorious Graffiti Gangsters
New Wave Art
NCB - No Comp Boys
NSA - Non Stop Action
TOP -The Odd Partners
OLT - Our Latin Thing
OTB - Out To Bomb
PAL - Partners At Large
PHK - Party Hearty Killers
The Pearls
POG - Prisoners Of Graffiti
TPC - The Proud Crowd
TPA - The Public Animals
TR - The Rascals
TR - The Rebels
RIS - Rockin It Suckers
R0C Stars - Roc On City
RTW - Rolling Thunder Writers aka
Rock The World
RW - Rock Well
TSK - The Serious Killers
T6b - The Six Boys
SA - Soul Artists
SSB - Soul Stoned Brothers
TS5 - The Spanish 5ive
TSS - The Squadron Supreme
TS - The Squad
TSK - The Stone Killers
SV - Subway Vandals
TSS - The Super Squad
TST - The Supreme Team
TMK - Tags Master Killers
TAT - Top Artistic Talent aka
Transit Art Team
TM - Tragic Magic
UA - United Artists (Orig.)
UA - United Artists (Seen)
UWB - United We Bomb
UW - Urban Warriors
TVS - The Vamp Squad
(orig. The Vice Squad)
WAR - Writers Already Respected
WC - Writers Corner 188
WOW - Words Of Wisdom
TWB - The Wild Boys
WS - Wild Style
WR - Writer's Revenge
VIC - Vandals In Control
The Vanguards
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