Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 3 v3.02 Türkçe FULL Resim Optimize


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Ashampoo Photo Optimizer, bir resim düzenleme yazılımıdır. Temel işlevi sahip olduğunuz dijital fotoğrafların görüntü kalitesini arttırmaktır. Üstelik yazılım bu işlevi tek bir fare tıklaması ile gerçekleştirebilmektedir. Fotoğraflarınızın kalitesini iyileştirebilmesinin yanı sıra; dijital fotoğrafları sağa ve sola çevirme desteğine de sahiptir.

Kullanımı oldukça kolay olan yazılım, dahili Türkçe dil desteğine de sahiptir. Yapmanız gereken yazılımı sisteminize kurduktan sonra çalıştırmak ve ardından görüntü kalitesinde iyileştirme yapmak istediğiniz fotoğrafların bulunduğu klasörü yazılımın sağ üst köşesinde bulunan "Aktif Klasör" alanından seçmektir. Bundan sonrası zaten çocuk oyuncağı!

Yazılımla yapmış olduğunuz iyileştirme işleminden memnun kalmazsanız, "Optimizasyonu Geri Al" düğmesine tıklayarak fotoğrafınızı eski haline döndürebilirsiniz. Ayrıca yazılımla toplu halde iyileştirme işlemi yapabilir ("Hepsini Optimize Et"), yine toplu halde yaptığınız iyileştirme işlemini geri alabilirsiniz ("Tüm Optimizasyonu Geri Al").

Ana menü üzerinde iyileştirme yapmak istediğiniz fotoğrafı ileri-geri düğmelerini kullanarak seçin, ardından "Optimize Et" düğmesi ile işlemi gerçekleştirin, işlemden memnun kalırsanız "Kaydet" düğmesi ile iyileştirme işlemini kaydedin. İşte hepsi bu kadar!


All the photo editing you really need. Instantly.Many people buy big expensive camcorders but still shoot all their videos with their phone or point-and-shoot camera. Photo editing software is similar – you may have a powerful graphics editor but most of the time you'll find yourself using just a couple of functions. Ashampoo Photo Optimizer enables you to touch up your digital photos fast. Everything is so simple you never need to read a manual – after you point and shoot just click and go. Ashampoo Photo Optimizer doesn't try to replace major graphics programs. It just gives you everything you need when you want results fast.

Instant Optimize function

You'll love this if you've ever struggled with all the complicated settings in a graphics editor. Just select a photo and click Optimize. Suddenly a dull photo starts to shine. There's nothing to configure, you really just select and click. The results look attractive and natural, not artificially boosted. You can also optimize all your photos with a single click, it's just as easy as a single photo.

Red eye correction

Correcting the dreaded red eye effect in flash photos is just as easy: Just roughly select the part of the photo containing the red eyes and click, Photo Optimizer does all the rest. You don’t have to make a precise selection, the red area is found and corrected automatically. Here too, the result looks attractively natural and you get it instantly, without having to spend hours studying a manual.

Rotate, brightness, contrast and effects

Click once to rotate photos that are on their sides. Adjust brightness and contrast with simple sliders. Convert your photos to graphic black-and-white or sepia or invert the colors, all with a single click. Instant preview, instant results - and just click on Undo if you change your mind.

Automatic backup – undo your changes at any time

You never need to worry about “damaging” your photos by editing them because you can always return to the original version. Ashampoo Photo Optimizer automatically makes backups of the original versions of your photos in a database. To restore the original just select the photo and click on Undo – even days or weeks later. In the new version you can also choose where you want to store the undo database.

Image viewer, Windows Explorer integration

Ashampoo Photo Optimizer also doubles as a fast image viewer with a full Explorer-style directory view showing all the drives and folders on your computer for quick access. This works for digital cameras too, allowing you to view the images in your camera when it’s connected to your computer. In Windows Explorer you can right-click on any photo file to load it into Photo Optimizer for instant editing.

Features at a glance

Instant Optimize function makes dull photos shine
Optimize all your photos with a single click
Select and click red eye removal
One-click image rotation
Convert to black-and-white, sepia and inverted
Easy brightness and contrast sliders
Automatic backup: all edits reversible at any time
Explorer view doubles as a quick image viewer
Start with right-click from Windows Explorer

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