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AUDI (Accelerates Under Demonic Influence)

Seytanin etkisiyle hizlaniyor

BMW (Bought My Wife)

Karimi satin aldim

BUICK (Big Ugly Indestructible Car Killer)

Buyuk cirkin yikilmaz otomobil katili

CHEVROLET (Cheap Hardly Efficient Virtually Runs On Luck Every Time)

Ucuz verimsiz her seferinde sans neredeyse yaver gidiyor

DODGE (Darn Old Dirty Gas Eater)

Her yere benzin akitir yag doker

FIAT (Fix It All the Time)

Daima tamir et!

FORD (Fault Of Research & Development)

Arastirma ve gelistirme hatasi

GM (General Maintenance)

Genel bakim

GMC (Got a Mechanic Corning)

Mekanik bir olay mi var?

HONDA (Had One Never Did Again)

Bir tane aldim bir daha asla

HYUNDAI (Hope You Understand Nothing s Driveable And unexpensive)

Hicbir seyin surulebilir ve ucuz olmadigini anladigini umarim

MAZDA (Most Always Zipping Dangerously Along)

Cogunlukla hizli ve tehlikeli gider

SAAB (Swedish Automobiles Always Breakdown)

Isvec otomobilleri daima bozulur

TOYOTA (Too Often Yankees Overprice This Auto)

Yankeeler bu otomobilin degerini**sik abartirlar

VOLVO (Very Odd Looking Vehicular Object)

Cok garip gorunumlu otomobilimsi obje
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