<------------------ header data start ------------------- >
# Application Name : Amazon Web Services Site (AWS)
# Vulnerable Type : Cross-Site Request Forgery
# Bug Fix Advice : Pests can be filtered characters.
# Author : Cyber-Warrior.org | Bug Researchers | N4TuraL
# Homepage : https://aws.amazon.com/
< ------------------- header data end of ------------------- >
< -- bug code start -- >
Form name: sellerRegistrationForm
Form action: https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/management/register/
Form method: POST
Example line in 63 - 64;
<form action= name=sellerRegistrationForm method=post data-toggle=validator role=form>
<h4>Contact Information</h4>
<div class=row>
<div class=col-md-6>
<div class=form-group>
<label for=contactFirstName>First Name <span class=glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk text-danger></span></label>
<input type=text class=form-control id=contactFirstName name=contactFirstName
value= >
< -- bug code end of -- >
# Application Name : Amazon Web Services Site (AWS)
# Vulnerable Type : Cross-Site Request Forgery
# Bug Fix Advice : Pests can be filtered characters.
# Author : Cyber-Warrior.org | Bug Researchers | N4TuraL
# Homepage : https://aws.amazon.com/
< ------------------- header data end of ------------------- >
< -- bug code start -- >
Form name: sellerRegistrationForm
Form action: https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/management/register/
Form method: POST
Example line in 63 - 64;
<form action= name=sellerRegistrationForm method=post data-toggle=validator role=form>
<h4>Contact Information</h4>
<div class=row>
<div class=col-md-6>
<div class=form-group>
<label for=contactFirstName>First Name <span class=glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk text-danger></span></label>
<input type=text class=form-control id=contactFirstName name=contactFirstName
value= >
< -- bug code end of -- >