Hile kodu Hile
mpcanthurtme Ölümsüzlük On/OFF
mpschuckit Silahınıza Mermi ekler
mpsmithy Full Kalkan
mpkohler Full Mermi
mpstockpile Full Mermi (maybe with differences?)
mpbeamme Beam player to level start with initial conditions
mpsixthsense Duvardan Geçme on/off
mpicu 3.İnsan modu on/off (HUD doesn't visible in this mode)
mptachometer Hız durumu on/off
mpsizeme Boyut durumu on/off
mpgrs Yön durumu on/off
mpgps Pozisyon Durumu on/off
mpfov Edit (with keys) FOV value
mpvertextint Edit (with keys) vertext tint
mplightadd Edit (with keys) light amplification
mplightscale Edit (with keys) light scale
mpbreach Edit (with keys) weapon breach
mpwmpos Edit (with keys) weapon offset 1
mpwpos Edit (with keys) weapon offset 2
mpdoctordoctor # SAğlık durumunu değiştirir # (örn, 100)
mpbunker Sınırsız Mermi
mpmorph <x> x yerine yazılan koordinata gider
mpcanthurtme Ölümsüzlük On/OFF
mpschuckit Silahınıza Mermi ekler
mpsmithy Full Kalkan
mpkohler Full Mermi
mpstockpile Full Mermi (maybe with differences?)
mpbeamme Beam player to level start with initial conditions
mpsixthsense Duvardan Geçme on/off
mpicu 3.İnsan modu on/off (HUD doesn't visible in this mode)
mptachometer Hız durumu on/off
mpsizeme Boyut durumu on/off
mpgrs Yön durumu on/off
mpgps Pozisyon Durumu on/off
mpfov Edit (with keys) FOV value
mpvertextint Edit (with keys) vertext tint
mplightadd Edit (with keys) light amplification
mplightscale Edit (with keys) light scale
mpbreach Edit (with keys) weapon breach
mpwmpos Edit (with keys) weapon offset 1
mpwpos Edit (with keys) weapon offset 2
mpdoctordoctor # SAğlık durumunu değiştirir # (örn, 100)
mpbunker Sınırsız Mermi
mpmorph <x> x yerine yazılan koordinata gider